The Stylish Elastic Slider
Elastic Slider is a stylish slider that is perfect for simple, beautiful images with captions. The Titles and Captions have a neat animation and the navigation thumbnails have pop-up like images on hover. The Elastic Slider is fully responsive and looks great. With add-on options, you can easily customize any aspect of slider includes slides, thumbnails size, animation type, sliding speed, slider design, and many more...
Below you will find a summary of all options available:
- Responsive: Works in all major browsers and devices
- CSS3 Animation: Uses latest standards of CSS3
- Extremely Light: It's only 15K
- Slider generator at Dashboard
- Theme Switcher
- Add Header/Description/Link (External, Internal) for every slide
- Image Size: Width And Height
- Animation: Animation types
- Auto Play: If true the slider will automatically slides, and it will only stop if the user clicks on a thumb
- Slideshow Interval: Interval for the slideshow
- Speed: Speed for the sliding animation
- Easing: Easing for the sliding animation
- Titles Factor: Percentage of speed for the titles animation. Speed will be speed * titlesFactor
- Title Speed: Titles animation easing
- Title Easing: Titles animation easing
- Controls: Position / Height / Width / Display Thumbnail
- Slider Height
- Slider Bg Color
- Slider Border Color/Width
- Title Position